Her paintings are worlds of juxtapositions. Stories of disorder, or maybe just a different type of order. They are a dance between love and anger, fear and ecstasy, anxiety and bliss. A push and pull between hope and desperation, a constant conflict on canvas. They are filled with emotion, reoccurring symbols and a dose of nostalgia. The works are an overlap of reality and vivid imagination, of memories and the otherworldly. At times they are like parallel universes. How would things be if it were not for that one thing?

It Started Heavenly

It Started Heavenly

  • Year:2023
  • Medium: Oil on canvas
  • Size: 60 x 90 cm
Depends Who You Go With

Depends Who You Go With

  • Year:2023
  • Medium: Oil on Canvas
  • Size: 60 x 90 cm